Expositions en région Centre

Chambord, Blois, Orléans ou Tours, connaissez-vous bien la région Centre ? Un fourmillement d'expositions vous y attend...

Nos coups de cœur

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  • Festival
  • Unusual

International Garden Festival 2024 at the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Until November 3, 2024

For this 2024 Garden Festival, the Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire celebrates nature as a source of life, with twenty virtuoso landscape artists!

Toutes les expositions de la région

Vue du château du Rivau ©PatriciaLaigneau
  • Discovery
  • Contemporary

The summer season Effervescences at Château du Rivau

Rivau Castle
Until November 11, 2024

Effervescences at the Château du Rivau: an exhibition all summer long, mixing modern and contemporary art with more than forty participating artists.

Exposition Tolkien à La Cité internationale de tapisserie - 2019-Mithrim-Tissage-HD-(c)TheTolkienTrust1977
  • Discovery
  • Unavoidable

Tolkien exhibition at the International Tapestry City

International Tapestry City
From June 29 to September 22, 2024

From June 29 to September 22, 2024, discover the Tolkien exhibition at the International Tapestry City, bringing Tolkien's original illustrations to life.

Nouveau parcours-Château de Bussy-Rabutin (2)
  • Unavoidable
  • Classic

Le mythique Château de Bussy-Rabutin dévoile son nouveau parcours

Château de Bussy-Rabutin
Nouveau parcours

A l'occasion de sa réouverture complète, le Château de Bussy-Rabutin inaugure un nouveau parcours illustrant l'histoire du comte Roger de Bussy-Rabutin.

puy de lumières - le puy en velay - illuminations 2024 (2)
  • Discovery
  • Digital

Puy de Lumières: light show at Puy-en-Velay

Le Puy-en-Velay
From July 5 to September 11, 2024

Puy de Lumières has established itself as an unmissable event, redefining the nighttime face of Puy-en-Velay with a breathtaking light show.

© Château du Clos Lucé - Parc Leonardo da Vinci. Photo Cecil Mathieu (161)
  • With family
  • Unavoidable

Leonardo da Vinci and perfumes during the Renaissance exhibition at the Château du Clos Lucé

Château du Clos Lucé
Until September 15, 2024

The Château du Clos-Lucé is offering a unique exhibition on Renaissance Perfumes that marked the life of this genius artist.

Les Nuits Lumière, Bourges, spectacle illumination, vue © Ville de Bourges (1)
  • Unavoidable
  • With family

Les Nuits Lumière: the summer show in the city center of Bourges

City of Bourges
Until September 21, 2024

In the heart of Bourges, the magic of Nuits Lumière offers a summer nighttime experience, where history and architecture are adorned with blue reflections.

Exposition Collection Musée de Balzac, Château de Saché, Balzac Salle Monuments 8
  • Classic
  • With family

Découvrez le Musée de Balzac Saché, un voyage au coeur de la littérature

Musée Balzac - Château de Saché
Collection permanente

Le musée Balzac retrace l’histoire mouvementée de l’iconographie balzacienne dans un nouvel espace d’exposition. Suivant un parcours chronologique et thématique caressant les années 1840 à nos jours, le Château de Saché dévoile cet été l’image de ce « grand pétrisseur des Hommes ».

Vincent Mauger, La théorie des ensembles
  • Video
  • Sculpture

 Parc de sculptures à l'Hospice Saint-Roch

Musée de l'hospice Saint-Roch
Espace permanent

Le musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch, ancien Hôtel-Dieu exceptionnel datant du XIIème siècle, s’offre une nouvelle salle d’exposition… en dehors des murs. Grâce à l’acquisition par le musée en 2016 de 4247m2 de parcelles jouxtant le bâtiment, un nouveau parc de sculptures a été mis au jour.

habiller le merveilleux - azay le rideau - Lac des cygnes - la reine © Pascal François - 92LC002-2
  • With family
  • Unusual

Dressing the marvelous: an exhibition at the Château d’Azay-le-Rideau

Azay-le-Rideau Castle
From June 26 to November 3, 2024

The Azay-le-Rideau castle is hosting the exhibition 'Dressing the Marvelous': an immersive journey to the heart of the representations that have marked past decades.

  • Classic
  • Unavoidable

Exhibition of the portrait of Julie Manet by Auguste Renoir at the Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans, 150 years of impressionism

Until March 16, 2025

The Orléans Museum of Fine Arts exhibits the portrait of Julie Manet, daughter of Berthe Morisot and Eugène Manet, painted by the famous Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

Musée Mandet, Double Paradiso, MatteoCibic© Damian GriffithHR
  • Contemporary
  • Unusual

Double Paradiso exhibition by Matteo Cibic at the Mandet Museum in Riom

Mandet Museum in Riom
From June 15, 2024 to February 23, 2025

Between dreams and desires, let yourself be surprised by the playful and surprising world of Matteo Cibic with his exhibition Double Paradisio at the Mandet Museum in Riom.

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  • Festival
  • Unusual

International Garden Festival 2024 at the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Until November 3, 2024

For this 2024 Garden Festival, the Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire celebrates nature as a source of life, with twenty virtuoso landscape artists!

  • Contemporary
  • Unavoidable

Bernard Buffet exhibition at the Fontevraud Museum of Modern Art

Royal Abbey of Fontevraud
Until September 29, 2024

The Fontevraud Museum of Modern Art offers us a fresh look at the great Bernard Buffet, both heir to the medieval tradition and pioneer of pop art.

Hans Hartung - le doyenné - T1937-33, 1937, Huile, craie noire et pastel sur toile écrue, 97 X 130 cm
  • Unavoidable
  • Discovery

Hans Hartung, a salutary freedom at the Doyenné - Modern and contemporary art space

Le Doyenné - Center for modern and contemporary art
From July 5 to October 13, 2024

The Le Doyenné art center is hosting one of the first retrospectives of Hans Hartung in France: for the occasion, more than sixty works are exhibited.

Le mercredi 06 avril 2022 à Blois au château royal, le spectacle de son et lumières sur les mille ans d'histoire du château royal de Blois depuis la cour du château.
  • Digital
  • Classic

This is how Blois is told to you, the sublime illuminations of the Château de Blois!

Blois Castle
Until August 31, 2024

With “Thus Blois is told to you”, the Royal Castle of Blois becomes the scene of captivating illuminations!

illuminations le réveil du volcan, VOLCAN DE LEMPTÉGY (6)
  • Digital
  • Unusual

The Awakening of the Lemptégy Volcano: the nocturnal spectacle

Lemptégy volcano
From July 9 to August 28, 2024

Have you ever dreamed of seeing a volcano illuminated by mystical glows? Le Réveil du Volcan at the Lemptégy Volcano offers you this enchanting adventure.