Expositions en région Sud

De Toulouse à Marseille, en passant par Nice, Montpellier ou encore Rodez, ne manquez aucune des pépites que nous réserve le sud de la France en matière de découvertes artistiques...

Nos coups de cœur

3_vue exposition Passions partagees, Mucem, 2024 ∏ photo Laurent Lecat
  • Unusual
  • Contemporary

Exhibition From Basquiat to Edith Piaf: shared passions at the MUCEM

MUCEM, Marseille - SOUTH
Until September 23, 2024

This unexpected exhibition brings together daring and provocative contemporary works alongside the ethnographic treasures of the MUCEM!

Exposition Union libre au MEMENTO Sol Calero 3
  • Contemporary
  • Free

Free Union exhibition: MEMENTO Auch resonates

Until October 13, 2024

In the stunning exhibition Free Union, nine visual artists, sculptors and videographers invade the 1400 m² of MEMENTO, in the sacred setting of the Carmel of Auch.

FondationMaeght_PhotoOlivierAnsellem_ArchivesFondationMaeght (144)

Amitiés, Bonnard and Matisse exhibition at the Maeght Foundation

Maeght Foundation, Saint-Paul-de-Vence - SOUTH
Until October 6, 2024

The magnificent Maeght Foundation explores the unique friendship of Pierre Bonnard and Henri Matisse, in a shimmering exhibition, a true artistic conversation.

Toutes les expositions de la région

Exposition Prairies animées Cité de Sorèze -Dom Robert, Les enfants de lumière, 1999
  • Discovery
  • Unavoidable

Animated Meadows exhibition, an ode to nature in the City of Sorèze

City of Sorèze
From March 22, 2024 to December 22, 2026

The City of Sorèze presents its new exhibition Animated Meadows, a true ode to nature which captivates us with the fantasy of its decorations...

Exposition l'Expressionnisme dans l'art et le cinéma allemand S_36_Nosferatu
  • Discovery
  • Movie theater

Exhibition Expressionism in art and cinema at the Lodève Museum

Lodève Museum
From June 15 to September 15, 2024

This summer 2024, the Lodève museum invites us to discover the exhibition Expressionism in art and cinema, reviving interwar cinema.

musée picasso antibes - miro et nahmad - Oiseau_dans_la_nuit__8_December_1967__JM3208__ok
  • Unavoidable
  • Contemporary

Exhibition Joan Miró and the masterpieces of the Nahmad collection at the Picasso Museum in Antibes

Antibes Picasso Museum
From June 30 to October 27, 2024

The Picasso Museum in Antibes welcomes twelve works by Joan Miro in a minimalist scenography which thwarts the usual exhibition ceremony.

exposition germaine richier, friche de l'escaletteGermaine Richier, L'Eau, 1953-1954 © photos C. Baraja E. Touchaleaume - Archives Galerie 54 & Friche de l'Escalette
  • Sculpture
  • Unavoidable

Germaine Richier exhibition at the Friche de l’Escalette

Escalette wasteland
From July 1 to September 1, 2024

Germaine Richier's monumental silhouettes are imbued with the sweet scent of Provence for a dazzling exhibition at the Friche de l'Escalette!

Bibliothèque-Musée Inguimbertine, C215 voit double, d'après les collections, © Christian Guémy (3)
  • Contemporary
  • With family

Exhibition C215 sees double at the Inguimbertine Library-Museum in Carpentras

Inguimbertine Library-Museum
Until October 31, 2024

Discover the portraits of the artist C215 which populate the streets of Carpentras and the Inguimbertine Library-Museum until October 31, 2024.

exposition Bonnard-musee de caumont_Pierre Bonnard, Baigneurs à la fin du jour, vers 1945 Huile sur toile 48 x 69 cm © musée Bonnard, Le Cannet
  • Discovery
  • Unavoidable

Pierre Bonnard and Japan exhibition at the Hôtel de Caumont: between two worlds

Caumont Hotel - Pierre Bonnard
From April 24 to October 6, 2024

The Hôtel de Caumont invites you to discover its new exhibition on the so-called “painter of happiness”, Pierre Bonnard, between Japanese art and cherry trees.

Exposition Lucio Fontana, Musée Soulages de Rodez (1)
  • Contemporary
  • Unavoidable

Lucio Fontana exhibition at the Soulages Museum in Rodez

Soulages Museum of Rodez
Until November 3, 2024

The Soulages Museum in Rodez invites us to rediscover the breathtaking work of the famous artist Lucio Fontana.

Vue exposition Jean Lurcat - Musée Hyacinthe Rigaud (14)
  • Unusual
  • Discovery

The Jean Lurçat exhibition at the Hyacinthe Rigaud Museum: Earth, Fire, Water, Air: our exclusive images

Hyacinthe Rigaud Museum
Until December 29, 2024

The works of Jean Lurçat are featured in this exhibition at the Hyacinthe Rigaud Museum: we take you to discover the artist's ceramics in images.

Dessin dat et monogramm.
  • Contemporary
  • Unavoidable

Réouverture de l'Abbaye de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue : une plongée dans les années 1950

Abbaye de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue
Collection permanente

A l'occasion de sa réouverture, l'Abbaye de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue vous propose de vous émerveiller devant de nombreux chefs-d'œuvre de Vasarely, Hantaï ou encore Dubuffet... Une plongée magistrale dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle grâce à cette superbe collection permanente.

Miromatisse - musée Matisse - 4_Henri Matisse_Collioure en aout
  • Unavoidable
  • With family

The Mirómatisse exhibition at the Matisse Museum in Nice: the encounter

Matisse Museum - Nice
From June 28 to September 29, 2024

The Matisse Museum in Nice dares a confrontation between Miró and Matisse, in a dialogue highlighting unexpected correspondences between these two giants.

Palais des Papes, A la vie à l'amor, Miss.Tic, vue @Atelier Miss.Tic (1)
  • Contemporary
  • Scandal

Miss-Tic exhibition, life and love at the Palais des Papes

Palace of the Popes
Until January 5, 2025

Miss.Tic, the tireless street poet, reveals herself at the Palais des Papes in a poignant exhibition that resonates like a song of revolt and passion.

Vue de l'exposition Egypte des Pharaons Carrières des Lumières (2)
  • Unavoidable
  • Digital

Egypt from the Pharaohs to the Carrières des Lumières: the exhibition in pictures

Careers of the Enlightenment
From April 19, 2024 to January 2, 2025

Go to the Carrières des Lumières to discover the Egypt of the Pharaohs exhibition and let yourself be drawn into a crazy epic.

exposition Henri Manguin au soleil du midi - Villa Théo au Lavandou Henri Manguin, La Naïade, Cavalière 1906, Collection particulière
  • Unavoidable
  • Discovery

Henri Manguin in the Midday Sun exhibition at Villa Théo du Lavandou

Villa Théo, Le Lavandou
From July 6 to September 28, 2024

The Henri Manguin Exhibition at the Villa Théo du Lavandou is a true celebration of the life and light of the South.

Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines, Ma 3570 - https://collections.louvre.fr/ark:/53355/cl010277239 - https://collections.louvre.fr/CGU
  • Discovery
  • Unavoidable

Achilles and the Trojan War exhibition at the Musée de la Romanité

Museum of Romanity
From April 26, 2024 to January 5, 2025

From April 26, 2024 to January 5, 2025, the Musée de la Romanité invites us to discover its new exhibition Achilles and the Trojan War.

grotte de Trabuc - 1600 bougies (6)
  • Discovery
  • Romantic

The 1600 candles of the Grotte de Trabuc: unique visits

Trabuc Cave
From July 24 to August 22, 2024

Don't miss this opportunity to discover the natural beauty of the Trabuc Cave, transformed into a living work of art by the glow of these 1600 candles.

Exposition Trophées et reliques au MUCEM Thomas_Tudoux_Graals_2017 © Thomas Tudoux
  • Unusual
  • Contemporary

The Trophies and Relics exhibition at the MUCEM

Mucem - Marseille (South)
Until September 8, 2024

The Mucem offers a vibrant exhibition of contemporary art and sport mixed with objects reaching the relic stage until September 8, 2024.

Commanderie de Peyrassol, En couleur, Bertrand Lavier, La Dauphine, 2024 (c) Jeanchristophe Lett © ADAGP, Paris, 2024
  • Contemporary
  • Discovery

In color exhibition by Bertrand Lavier at the Commanderie de Peyrassol

Commandery of Peyrassol
Until November 3, 2024

Bertrand Lavier, magician of forms, invites us to a unique exhibition at the heart of his offbeat universe, at the Commanderie de Peyrassol.

fondation hartung bergman - haass - Terry Haass, Fragments of Spitsbergen, 2007, lithographie en couleur en hommage à Anna-Eva Bergman, Revue K, Paris
  • Unavoidable
  • Contemporary

Exhibition Sharing the Sensitive: Terry Haass, Anna-Eva Bergman and Hans Hartung gathered at the Hartung Bergman Foundation

Hartung Bergman Foundation
Until September 27, 2024

The Hartung Bergman Foundation looks back on the friendship of Terry Haass, Hartung and Bergman through moving archives, intimate letters and rare photographs.

from Meuse-Moselle Gouache and Watercolour Drawings, Burg Treis
  • Discovery
  • Unavoidable

Turner exhibition: the Sublime Heritage at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Grimaldi Forum
From July 6, 2024 to September 1, 2024

Discover the new exhibition on Turner, the most romantic of the Impressionist precursors, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.

Exposition Jean-Michel Coulon au Musée du Protestantisme c. 1970-90. Huile sur bois 14x18 cm CR N°0234H-jpg
  • Contemporary
  • Discovery

Jean-Michel Coulon exhibition: the enigma of modern art revealed at the Musée du Protestantisme

Museum of Protestantism
From June 29 to October 6, 2024

The Musée du Protestantisme reveals to us the profound style of the mysterious Jean-Michel Coulon, in an exhibition that lifts the veil on this genius of abstraction.

FondationMaeght_PhotoOlivierAnsellem_ArchivesFondationMaeght (144)

Amitiés, Bonnard and Matisse exhibition at the Maeght Foundation

Maeght Foundation, Saint-Paul-de-Vence - SOUTH
Until October 6, 2024

The magnificent Maeght Foundation explores the unique friendship of Pierre Bonnard and Henri Matisse, in a shimmering exhibition, a true artistic conversation.

exposition inside out stefan bruggemann, venet fondation brug01_bruggemann_inside_out_vf_2024-photo_jerome_cavaliere_DSC_2893-HDR
  • Contemporary
  • Discovery

Exhibition Inside out by Stefan Brüggemann at the Venet Foundation

Venet Foundation
Until September 28, 2024

Stefan Brüggemann takes over the spaces of the Venet Foundation to transform the place into a living sculpture in an exhibition entitled Inside out.

Dépôt du musée d'Orsay au musée Granet, 1984© Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence
  • Classic

Musée Granet à Aix-en-Provence : la traversée des Beaux-Arts

Musée Granet
Collections permanentes

Surnommé le musée aux 12 000 chefs-d’œuvre, ce ne sont pas moins de 600 œuvres qui sont exposées dans les collections permanentes et qui s’étendent des peintures flamandes du XIVe siècle jusqu’aux œuvres modernes de grands noms comme Pablo Picasso, Paul Cézanne, Alberto Giacometti ou Jean Dubuffet.

Musée Paul Valéry, Entre ciel et terre, La Baie (Théoule-sur-mer) ve rs 1950 © Pierre Schwartz ©ADAGP, Paris, 2024
  • Unavoidable
  • Discovery

Exhibition Jean Hugo, Between Heaven and Earth at the Paul Valéry Museum in Sète

Paul Valéry Museum
From June 29 to October 13, 2024

Through a hundred works full of sunshine, this Jean Hugo exhibition at the Paul Valéry museum transports us to the heart of the artist's universe.